Wednesday, 16 December 2009

Where The Wild Things Are

I've been addicted to the frankly wonderful soundtrack to this film for a few weeks now. This only increased my excitement for the release of the movie down here. So I was disappointed to learn that the only early showing was at 3pm today. Which isn't really that early. Especially when you're going to bed at 6pm every night. Anyhow this also meant a solo trip for this feature, something that I must admit is a guilty pleasure of mine. The stigma associated of this was made all the more apparent to me when the only other people in the cinema was a trip out for a group of 7 year olds and a rather questionable looking gentleman also alone. I slid down a little in my seat when I noticed this. Anyway, the film. I'll be honest I fell in love with it. I was always going to. The pacing is fantastic and the subtle themes throughout are wonderfully done. I say subtle, I picked up on them all so it probably was a bit more obvious than that implies. The film simply summarises all the feelings of being a young boy. It's one of the first times I've seen it done so well. It is a great little movie, made for hand-holding, warm sofas and blankets. Something I didn't have the benefit of unfortunately, but I did have a small supply of chocolate so all is well. I can't stress enough how good this movie is, it may be a little bit full on for kids. But it ticks all the boxes for me.

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