So been on a nice little holiday, come back and got a job. Its been a productive week for this old Captain. Even up to date on my washing now. Only taken me about a year. Even those old pants that have been lingering under the bed have been put through the spin cycle. The only downside of this is that the house is now adorned with my underwear. Boxers of various sizes and shapes dangling from radiators, doors, pictures. I considered draping some over my fish but thought better of it. They don't deserve to witness such horror, they've seen enough in their time already. Anyway, so in the lull before I start my new found employment on Tuesday (at 4am!) I've been enjoying and enduring some movies and games as ever.
Whilst on my foray north I went to see 2012 at the cinema. The cinema was a lovely little independent place, bigger than here but still quite quaint really. However, the loveliness of the venue in no way prepared me for the film. Honestly, its the most astonishing thing I've ever seen. I've never laughed so much in a cinema before, everything about the movie is pretty terrible. I never thought I'd get bored of watching stuff get blown up, but I did. To sum it up really, someone said "my god" within the first twenty minutes or so. I can't really get across how bad this film is, but I also can't recommend it enough for that very same reason. With a group of like minded friends the laughs will just keep on coming. I'm going to forward it for comedy of the year. But be warned, it goes on for about three days.
I was speaking to my friend the other day about great films and we traded a couple of recommendations, I told him to watch In Bruges (a great film) and he told me to watch Click (...). I approached it with trepidation, as it has Adam Sandler in it. The amount of movies I like with Adam Sandler in I can count on one hand. None. Probably should have realised I wouldn't love Click when my friend began said conversation by praising You Don't Mess With The Zohan. I do partly want to see it out of morbid curiosity, it sounds so bad that it won't be good but highly offensive. That's very morbid curiosity I'm aware, but I'd like to see Sandler fall flat on his round punchable face. The cock. Anyway, Click. Christopher Wowlken (phonetics) gives him a remote that changes time. Which is good, you can fast-forward arguments with your ridiculously attractive wife, mute annoying people, watch your parents spawn you. You know, the usual scrapes that Sandler gets into. The thing is the story, acting and general concept of this film is quite flimsy. You can poo-poo it very easily but it does work quite nicely in a Disney kind of mold. But it also rests on the likability of Adam Sandler who makes me cringe with annoyance whenever his nasally drawl saunters into my innocent ears. To put it short, I would have liked it if anyone else played the lead. But Sandler grates me so much that I can't say I enjoyed it. Even though the acting gets rather straight by the end, the seeds are already sown by his madcap antics in the first half. Nice try Sandler, its probably the best film you've done. Probably, I'll never build up the courage to watch another to test that though.
Finally film wise I watched The Life Aquatic again today. I'm a bit of a fan of Wes Anderson. The font of writing on screen, the wide shots, the quirky dialogue, the great soundtracks. I could wax lyrical about how much I enjoy his movies for a long while. Although to be honest I covered a lot of the bases in the second sentence there. Would have struggled after that. Probably would have just put Bill Murray and then would have started scratching my chin for further thoughts. Anyway, its a great film. Two great things to take from this movie even if you don't like it; the acoustic Bowie covers and the submarine scene near the end. Both wonderful in their own way. I'd go as far as saying its my favourite (maybe second after Tenenbaums) Wes Anderson movie.
Finally games wise its been a mixed bag. Whilst I was away got a fair bit of Modern Warfare 2 happening split-screen. Lots of fun in the 2v2. I never dabbled in multi-player on COD4 so it was a new experience for me and I thoroughly enjoyed it. So much so I've slipped a little bit into the online mode back home now. A little mind. Because Borderlands is my latest Swapgame. Choosing the "top three only" package I had to wait a full week for it but I think its worth it. Sunk a fair chunk of hours into it last few days and found it very rewarding. I've always been partial to a bit of grinding. I, of course, refer to the nerd term of repetitively killing foes to gain levels and loot not the urban style of dance. Although, if the liquor is the right the hips may sway. But, good fun. Given up on the story, some guff about alien technology. Honestly couldn't care less. The mechanics are fun and the quests, if a little simple and predictable, are quite addicting. Should slot nicely in to that end of year list (not long now!).
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