Saturday, 21 November 2009


This may well be turning into an indie film binge at this rate. 500 Days Of Summer is lined up next as well, might try and save it though. Anyway, Adventureland is apparently "by the director of Superbad". Luckily this film only shares a few surface characteristics, this film is more a slow burner than an in your face laugh fest. Or however Superbad professes to be known. I must admit I was rather taken with the movie, this film is very charming. Although the film begins by putting our lead in a rather unlikely setting, it slowly distills him over the film showing him to be a much likable person. There's a pretty fantastic soundtrack throughout as well, but you expect nothing less in an indie flick these days right? It may not be radical in its formula but before you get to the somewhat predictable final third you're already too deep in to notice. I think I'll be making some amendments to my favourite films of the year. Its definitely the best romantic comedy I've seen since Juno. Which feels like a long, long time ago now.

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