Sunday, 18 October 2009

Lost & Blue Dragon

I kind of fell out of the loop with Lost after season one. So its been a while since I watched the show. I'd been waiting for the show to arrive with great excitement but somehow when it did I wasn't as keen as I expected to watch it. In fact it took me a good few days (and a good few beers) to pluck up the courage to dive in. I can understand why my sub conscious was against me now, the deja-vĂș is pretty horrendous. He's on smack, he dies, ignore the polar bear. The lessons from the episodes I've already seen showed through very strongly. If only I could apply that ability of recollection to my academic studies. Still, I'll persevere. Two episodes down. A lot more to go.

Oh dear. Its happened. I've not only got into Blue Dragon. I've let it consume me. I'm currently bathing in the blind joy of getting to disc two. Its been frustrating, confusing, boring and down right annoying at times. At other times its been alright. I've not really enjoyed much of it so far. For some reason they introduced this small yellow shouty thing into the game early on. I sat and let the solitary tear run down my face as I knew that little crap-shit was going to be with me for the rest of the game. Eight hours maybe he's been screeching in cut-scenes and wobbling in the battle field. I hate to blame the Japanese for this but what is it with crazy-ass annoying side-kicks? At least Western media has the wise-cracking one. Its annoying but at least its not that annoying. Anyway, disc 2. Undoubtedly I'll have sunk another 12 hours of my life into it by Tuesday. I hope not. But its inevitable.

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