So it's almost October which means end of year lists start soon. I wanted to make a list of things I've been enjoying before my mind gets overrun with everything I read elsewhere. So I'll start with albums I've been listening to a lot this year but weren't released this year. Which makes sense to me anyway.
10) Radiohead - In Rainbows
My all time favourite band would have to be Radiohead. What can I say I'm biased. I really enjoyed In Rainbows, it was probably the first record I've followed from leaked live versions to demos to full album. Although I was in some ways disappointed when they didn't take songs "Videotape" and "Arpeggi" to the full blown epic versions hinted at in earlier recordings the album still is amazing. Not only that but it stands up to repeated listens well and as an album flows superbly. I wouldn't go as far as saying it's their best record, but for an introduction to one of the best bands still going I doubt it could be faulted.
9) Dodos - Visiter
Like everyone else I first heard this hyped up on the internet. Then several months later (I'm pretty slow-moving when it comes to these hyped acts) I heard "Fools". In fact I heard it purely by chance on a music channel I remember. The pure pace of the record is endearing in itself, stripped back to just a pulsating drum beat and acoustic guitar the album has a sound all of its own. Lyrically its hardly ground breaking but that's not the point really, a great record none the less.
8) Elbow - The Seldom Seen Kid
Everyone likes Elbow really and they should. One of the true greats of indie music, no longer do I confuse them with Doves as they've finally won the acclaim they deserve. Rightly so, this is a great record, probably one of the better ones on the list to be fair. "One Day Like This" is a song as epic as you'll hear any year and the riff in "Grounds For Divorce" is enough to make you crap yourself. Part of me is regretting not having it higher, but I just haven't listened to it enough. I never thought this list would make me feel guilty.
7) Brand New - The Devil & God Are Raging Inside Me
I'll admit it, I'm very late to the Brand New party. I usually have intrinsic dislike for American bands. Especially ones the lurk around the genre of "pop-punk" or "popcore" or whatever the devil calls itself. But I take it back now, thanks to this album. Sure, it's heavy. But it's also fucking brilliant, a mature masterpiece? Compared to their earlier stuff, definitely. Now it's the checking what the new album's like. I have high hopes for it for sure. I can't leave this without mentioning "Sowing Season (Yeah)" is probably the best opening track on the list as well.
6) The Gaslight Anthem - The '59 Sound
This another hyped band in which I joined the party very late. I remember reading an article about them before Reading Festival 2008 in the NME (only occasionally I read it, promise). Fast forward about 6-7 months and I actually bothered listening to the record. What an album it is too! It's like Bruce Springsteen for kids! Well it actually isn't just like it is. But that shouldn't be a bad thing. Very rarely do you get an album that's just fist in the air anthems all the way through but this just about does it. With barely a moments cringe. Also they were great at Reading this year I should add. As were Radiohead who also feature on here.
5) Johnny Cash - American IV: The Man Comes Around
Now this is the oldest album on the list. But its also timeless. The man's a legend no word of a lie. The closer you get to number one here you may realise maybe the kind of year I had given my musical choices. There are some great covers on this album, many of which easily surpasse the original. There's the obvious "Hurt" but "First Time Ever I Saw Your Face" and "We'll Meet Again" are stop in your tracks moments. He's a great loss to the musical world, I only wish I ever got the chance to see the man live.
4) Dan Le Sac vs Scroobius Pip - Angles
Not a good year for hip-hop for me. Although does this count as hip-hop? Probably not. It's in the NME indie ville. Probably like most of my choices, but hey I'm a slave to convention. Scroobius Pip may take his look from Matisyahu but fortunately not his rhymes. "Look For The Woman" really struck a chord with me when I first heard it. But what really sold me was "The Beat That My Heart Skipped" and then "Planet Telex" mash-up "Letter From God To Man". Those tracks are massive. At times the album can be a little heavy, especially the title track, but it's a great record and certainly my favourite with beats in all year by far.
3) Bon Iver - For Emma, Forever Ago
So I'm pretty aware that my list is now essentially "The Internet circa 2008" but I make no excuses. You've probably had someone drawling into your ear at 3am with the dampness of their tears soft on your cheek about how much this record means to them and can you blame them? It's probably one of the most heart-breaking things recorded this decade. "Skinny Love" alone could soundtrack every montage in One Tree Hill for the next 20 years and still have an impact every time you hear it. I won't go on anymore about how good this is but to put it bluntly, if you're one of the people who shitted themselves with in excitement at The Dodos and Fleet Foxes then this worth 100% more of your time.
2) Frightened Rabbit - The Midnight Organ Fight
My new favourite thing in music is a Scottish accent. Ironically this is the only Scottish band in the list, but I digress. This is the best pop album no-ones heard. I mean yeah sure, people on the internet have heard it but they've probably also seen 1 Guy 1 Jar. Makes their point invalid. Now I know I said before Bon Iver was one of the best break-up albums (I didn't but I should have). This is probably better. This record has been me for most of this year and it still is now really. I imagine in time I'll associate it with a time in my life I'd rather forget but for now its touching, beautiful and brilliant.
1) LCD Soundsystem - Sound Of Silver
The thing I owe GTA IV the most is not that if I didn't fall asleep playing it that one time I would have got the achievement for completing it under 30 hours. No, it's this record as I scoured for the song used in the advertisement campaign. Fast-forward (or FastForward, delete appropriately) a year and "All My Friends" comes up on shuffle. Now I guess it's pretty dumb to have an album at number one for just a single track. Which is why its not, "Someone Great" and "Us v Them" are just two examples of how great this album is. But "All My Friends". Words cannot describe how good that song is. It summarises everything that scares you about growing up, it summarises everything I've thought about the last few years. Its deep, meaningful and builds to a crescendo that makes you want to hold a friend and yell the refrain into their ear. An essential record.
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