Last year's Arcade of Summer, Summer of Arcade or whatever it was called gifted us the wonderful Trials
HD and Shadow Complex to name but two. This year's premier offering is something a little more, shall we say, pretentious. Limbo is the visually striking tale of a boy's lone journey in to "Limbo" (in speech marks thanks to now being
abolished) and basically, that's it. Of course, it being an
XBLA title such pointless attachments as plot, voice-acting, tacked on
multiplayer are all left aside, leaving you with a touching,
un-nerving trip which will induce delight, puzzlement and anger all in equal measure. These are the signs of what make it great though, the satisfaction of solving another devilish complexity massively outweighs the crippling sadness of repeating the same failing attempt at progression
. Prepare a slot on your end of year lists.
In other gaming news:
RDR. Got a donkey. Did lots of missions. Bonded. Named it Juliet. Watched in vain as it got shot by Mexicans. Too devastated to play again. Wonderful game.